Download Shalima - Beauty Serif Fonts Family From I Do Not Sleep

Download Shalima - Beauty Serif Fonts Family From I Do Not Sleep

Shalima is a serif font that is specifically designed to make a non-standard font, looks beautiful, neatly elegant and strong when used for branding. has a strong character, with characteristics that are different from other fonts.

Shalima has more than 450 glyphs, which includes a complete set of multilingual, more than 50 ligatures, and alternate to make it easier for you to work.

Not only the standard fonts that you will have when buying Shalima fonts, but you will also get regular mode, regular outline, italic and italic outlined. You will get a total of 8 total fonts in OTF and TTF formats.

Download Shalima - Beauty Serif Fonts Family From I Do Not Sleep

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